2021- Vice President Position

Congratulations to Jennifer Stephenson who will take office Jan. 1st, 2021 as our new Vice President of your Taylor Mill Eagles!
Jennifer has three children, two boys at Scott High School and a daughter at Woodland Middle School. Out of the years the Eagles have been around, she has only not been involved for 2 years. She loves the kids in our community and enjoys being a part of our organization. She plans to continue serving with our current board members to help make our organization stronger for our youth. She cannot wait for the season to start, and has really missed seeing our kids this last year!
Welcome Jennifer, we are lucky to have you!
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, closeup and indoor

2021- Secretary Position

Congratulations to Maggie Dwertman who will take office Jan. 1st, 2021 as our new Secretary of your Taylor Mill Eagles!
Maggie has 3 daughters. Her oldest Jasmine is a graduate of Scott High School. Her middle child Aaliyah has been an Eagles cheerleader for the last 4 years, and your youngest Nevaeh plays soccer and has been an Eagles basketball player the last 2 years. Three years ago she became a cheer coach with our organization and has loved it. She has missed the kids so much this past year and can’t wait for next season! Welcome aboard Maggie, we are lucky to have you!!
Image may contain: 1 person, closeup

New Football Director!

We are happy to announce our new football director Eric Siemer!
Coach Eric Siemer grew up in Covington and
graduated from Holmes High School. After High School, Eric obtained a Bachelor’s Degree from Eastern Kentucky University in Emergency Medical Care. Using his degree, he serves as the EMS Captain for the EMS division of a local fire department. His wife Candice, supports both of their boys in various sports throughout the year. Jack and Kellen, 5 and 11 years old respectively, play both football and basketball for TME.
Eric has been an Eagle since 2017. He has helped coach football and has been a Head Basketball coach for the past three years. Eric has excellent leadership skills and we are very excited to see what visions he has for our organization.
Eric has coached many sports but his passion is for the game of football. He started football with the Bengal Tigers and continued football with Holmes middle school and high school. After 4 years of being an assistant coach to Matt Luken and serving a year of equipment manager, he has been offered and excited to take on the role of the football Director for the Taylor Mill Organization. “I feel kids can benefit so much from the game of football and develop characteristics such as discipline, dedication, hard work, leadership, accountability, sacrifice and teamwork.”
Over the last few years Eric is grateful for the friendships he has created with other coaches and parents of the organization. Coach Shawn Murphy was one of his closest friends. “I value Shawn’s dedication to not only this organization but to all the kids. He was not only a coach to these kids but a mentor! I hope to help facilitate an environment where all of our players can value their coach as ours did towards Shawn.”
As director his goal is to provide a safe environment for our TME family and teach the kids the basic fundamentals of the game.
“Your TALENT determines what you can do. Your MOTIVATION determines how much you are willing to do. Your ATTITUDE determines how well you do it.” – Lou Holtz
Welcome aboard Eric, happy to have you!

2020 Golf Outing

Looking for sponsors for our 2020 Golf Outing. Consider the options below and let us know if you can help out or interested in getting your business information out there! Flyer with your business information will be put in each “Golfers Bag”. Thanks in advance everyone!

If you are interested in being a hole or event sponsor please contact us! Descriptions are listed below:

Hole Sponsorship- $100
Logo on sign posted at a hole during the golf event for all the golfers and fans to see as they play through.

Event Sponsorship- $200
Logo on sign posted at a hole during the golf event for all the golfers and fans to see as they play through.
Logo displayed on our annual banner hung at the event and displayed on our website for the year
Logo/Name on back of T-shirts that all golfers will receive upon arrival


Taylor Mill Eagles Basketball program will be having a SHOOT-A-THON the week of February 17th. Each player will shoot free throws for 5 minutes counting each made shot toward their individual total. As a sponsor of one of our players, you may pledge an amount per shot made (i.e .50 per shot) or a lump sum (i.e. $20 donation). This fundraiser is used to work on their free-throw skills, a vital part to any basketball player’s game while raising money to go towards equipment and uniforms for the organization! Any pledge you could make would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support of the Taylor Mill Eagles Basketball Teams!

If you know a player reach out and make your donation now. It can be made by Cash, check, or VENMO. Thank you everyone for supporting us and the youth of your community!! Top seller from each grade group will get $100 CASH and top selling team will get a PIZZA PARTY! Have fun and good luck everyone!


Awesome new and exciting things happening this year for our 10TH SEASON!! Lots of basketball players signed up and season begins Monday!

Football and Cheer will have a few surprises this year as well! With that being said, we are having an early registration special. Registration fees this year will be $175 (New football jerseys and a few special things for our cheerleaders) BUT…if you pay in the month of February, the fees will only be $150! Take advantage of the discount and stay tuned for more announcements!! If you want to hear more details, please attend one of our monthly board meetings, we will announce each month when they will be. Thanks Eagle families, we appreciate you!! 🦅💙🦅💙



Taylor Mill Eagles Basketball program will be having a SHOOT-A-THON the week of February 17th. Each player will shoot free throws for 5 minutes counting each made shot toward their individual total. As a sponsor of one of our players, you may pledge an amount per shot made (i.e .50 per shot) or a lump sum (i.e. $20 donation). This fundraiser is used to work on their free-throw skills, a vital part to any basketball player’s game while raising money to go towards equipment and uniforms for the organization! Any pledge you could make would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support of the Taylor Mill Eagles Basketball Teams!

If you know a player reach out and make your donation now. It can be made by Cash, check, or VENMO. Thank you everyone for supporting us and the youth of your community!! Top seller from each grade group will get $100 CASH and top selling team will get a PIZZA PARTY! Have fun and good luck everyone!

2020 Golf Outing

Come Join us for our 7th annual Taylor Mill Eagles Golf Outing! This event not only supports the youth of our community but also supports the Woodland Middle School and Scott High School football programs!

This year our event will be held on Saturday May 16th at Twin Oaks Golf Course. Registration begins at 7am. You will enjoy a fun filled day of 18 holes of golf, lunch, and a dinner for only $90! Every golfer will receive the following items for their $90 entry fee:

Green Fee/Cart
Golf Gift Bag
Unlimited drinks for the day

Upon arrival you will receive a Gift bag. It will have a free t-shirt, extra golf balls, extra tee’s, and some snacks for the day. You will be provided with a lunch ticket, that will get you a free hotdog, mett, or brat with a bag of chips as well. You will also find unlimited amounts of soft drinks, water, and beer throughout the course.

After you complete your 18 holes of golf, we will be providing a chicken dinner with an awards banquet. The awards banquet does include trophies for the 3 best teams. We also have several contests throughout the course, which includes longest putt, longest drive, closest to the pin and a hole in one challenge for $500. We will also have door prizes and various raffle baskets.

This is sure to be another successful event, but we need your help! We are currently fielding this year’s foursomes and hole sponsors. Please help us reach our goal of at least 100 golfers- lets fill up the course with Eagle and Wildcat supporters! Please contact your foursome partners and send in your registration with payment. We will be accepting payment the day of the event as well in forms of Cash, Check, Credit card, or VENMO.

Please get your foursome names in TODAY to reserve your spot. Again payment can be made on our link below or the morning of. You can also email your foursome names to Amy Luken at amyluken3153@gmail.com to reserve your spot!

If you have any questions, please let us know. Don’t wait and miss out on a great day to hang out with some of the best coaches in Northern Kentucky at all levels!

If you are interested in being a hole or event sponsor please contact us as well with the email provided above. Descriptions are listed below:

Hole Sponsorship- $100

Logo on sign posted at a hole during the golf event for all the golfers and fans to see as they play through.

Event Sponsorship- $200

Logo on sign posted at a hole during the golf event for all the golfers and fans to see as they play through.

Logo displayed on our annual banner hung at the event and displayed on our website for the year

Logo/Name on back of T-shirts that all golfers will receive upon arrival

Contest Sponsor- No Fee

People or businesses who donate prizes for our raffle baskets

Looking forward to a great year and successful event!!

