Happy New Year Eagle family!! We are looking forward to a new year and a new season. Today your new officers take on their new roles to make the 2022 season the best one yet. Please help us in welcoming and congratulations our newest board members
President: Eric Siemer
Vice President: Jennifer Stephenson
Treasurer: Candice Siemer
Secretary: Maggie Dwertman
Football Director: Eric Siemer
Cheer Director: Jennifer Stephenson
Concessions Director: Leti Sexten
PR: (Needed)
Fundraising: Gina Siano
Board Members and Members at Large:
Michael/ Gina Siano
Mike Hacker
Joshlyn Evans
Michael/ Leti Sexten
Shane/ Colie Miller
Sara Ishmael
If you are interested in becoming a board member please reach out to us for more information. . If you are interested in becoming a head coach please reach out to our football director tmeyouthsports@gmail.com
Football and cheer sign ups are right around the corner please keep an eye out for information regarding sign up dates and times.