
Taylor Mill Eagles Basketball program will be having a SHOOT-A-THON the week of February 17th. Each player will shoot free throws for 5 minutes counting each made shot toward their individual total. As a sponsor of one of our players, you may pledge an amount per shot made (i.e .50 per shot) or a lump sum (i.e. $20 donation). This fundraiser is used to work on their free-throw skills, a vital part to any basketball player’s game while raising money to go towards equipment and uniforms for the organization! Any pledge you could make would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support of the Taylor Mill Eagles Basketball Teams!

If you know a player reach out and make your donation now. It can be made by Cash, check, or VENMO. Thank you everyone for supporting us and the youth of your community!! Top seller from each grade group will get $100 CASH and top selling team will get a PIZZA PARTY! Have fun and good luck everyone!